Tips for Cleaning Your RV Interior

RV living is a wonderful experience, brimming with countless benefits and unique aspects, making it more than just a simple lifestyle choice. However, anyone who has spent time in an RV will attest to the importance of maintaining cleanliness in such compact living quarters. A small space can quickly become cluttered and disordered with bits of dirt, pet hair, unwashed dishes, and scattered clothes or gear. Consequently, ensuring cleanliness in your RV becomes not only a necessity but also a critical factor in ensuring your overall enjoyment and well-being. 

To help you maintain a clean and organized living space, here are some quick, handy tips for RV interior cleaning.


Before embarking on your RV cleaning mission, here are some essential items you’ll need:

  • Cleaning products (multipurpose cleaner, glass cleaner, and disinfectant spray).
  • Microfiber cloths.
  • Vacuum or broom and dustpan.
  • Trash bags. 
  • Gloves. 
  • Sponges and scrub brushes.
  • Step stool for reaching high areas.
  • Baking soda. 
  • Magic sponges for stubborn marks on walls or ceilings.
  • Paper towels and rags.
  • Floor cleaner (if your RV has carpet or other specialized flooring).

To start cleaning the interior of your RV, begin by opening all the windows. This will promote proper air circulation, allowing the space to breathe and releasing any trapped stuffy or stale air. 

Ceiling and Walls

Begin your cleaning at the top, focusing initially on the ceilings. Cleaning from the top down ensures that any dust or debris that falls during the process can later be vacuumed or swept away from the floor. Use the brush attachment of your vacuum cleaner to remove any cobwebs or dust collected on the ceiling, paying special attention to vents or fans where dust often accumulates. Stand on a step stool for better reach, and carefully clean the ceiling, including any vents, using a damp rag with a bit of detergent. 

After the ceiling, turn your attention to the walls. But remember, while cleaning your RV walls, moderation is key in terms of water usage. Steer clear from using excessive water or moisture, as this can potentially damage the walls. Your magic sponge will be particularly useful here to remove any stubborn marks without excessive water. Use a dry microfiber cloth to wipe down the walls and give them a final polish for a spotless finish.


Despite its compact size, your RV kitchen is a hub of activity. Keeping it clean and free from dirt and grime is an ongoing task. If you notice stubborn buildup on your stove or inside your oven, a simple homemade solution of baking soda and water can do wonders. Apply this mixture to the affected area and leave it to work its magic overnight. The following day, rinse or wipe off the grime to reveal a clean and grease-free surface.

The refrigerator is another area that merits special attention. Make it a routine to remove old or expired food and wipe down any spills to keep the shelves clean. Similarly, routinely sort through your pantry to ensure nothing in there has expired. With regard to dishes, wash and put them away immediately after use. Excess dishes piling up can quickly make your compact kitchen space look cluttered and messy. 

Living Area

The living room in your RV can often serve as a multipurpose area for meals, games, rest, and relaxation. To keep it fresh and clean, make it a habit to dust all the surfaces weekly, including the blinds and the tops of the cabinets. Regular dusting not only keeps your RV looking neat but also helps in maintaining a healthier living environment. 

The key to maintaining cleanliness in this space is to reduce clutter. Encourage everyone in the RV to keep their games, books, tools, gear, and other items neatly stored away after using them. This simple habit keeps the place tidy and ensures everyone can keep track of their items and avoid losing them. 

Additionally, regularly clean your couches and chairs, especially if they have microfiber coverings. Rubbing alcohol and light scrubbing with a cleaning brush can tackle any stains or spills. Remember to do a spot test first to ensure the alcohol won’t discolor your upholstery. 


One area in your RV that requires special attention is the bedroom. As you spend considerable time resting and recuperating here, it’s crucial to ensure this space is clean and fresh. Over time, your RV mattress may harbor unpleasant odors and dirt. To freshen it up, sprinkle some baking soda over the surface and let it sit for a while before vacuuming it up. This will help absorb any lingering odors. 

Aside from the mattress, it’s also essential to wash your sheets and pillows regularly. Having extra linens stored in your RV is a good practice, especially on long trips, so you don’t have to worry about going weeks without changing the sheets. After every wash, remember to put your laundry away immediately to avoid piles of dirty clothes from accumulating. 


We began our comprehensive cleaning journey by tackling the ceilings of the entire RV, and now we end with the floors. As the foundation of your mobile home, floors can quickly accumulate dirt and debris from daily activities. Start by giving them a thorough cleaning with your vacuum, reaching into all corners and under furniture. For areas inaccessible by vacuum, use a broom and dustpan to ensure no spot is left unattended. 

Once you’ve removed all loose debris, it’s time to provide your hard surface floors with a thorough mopping. Use a suitable floor cleaner as per your RV floor type. Make sure to wring out your mop well; you don’t want to soak the floors, just dampen them. Pay special attention to high-traffic areas and spots where spills might have occurred. 

Upgrade Your RV Experience With Bretz RV & Marine

We hope this guide has been helpful in tackling the ups and downs of cleaning your RV interior. At Bretz RV & Marine, we understand that keeping your mobile home clean and well maintained is crucial to enjoying all your adventures on the road. As a leading RV dealership, we take pride in offering top-of-the-line new RVs, fishing boats, and other recreational vehicles, including high-quality pre-owned options. Moreover, we strive to make your RV ownership experience hassle-free by offering financing options that suit your needs and budget. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services. 

RV with Caravan on Road through Desert by Alfo Medeiros is licensed with Pexels License

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