E-Z Hauler For Sale
E-Z Hauler Aluminum Trailers is an ALCOM LLC (ALuminum Company of Maine) product line. E-Z Hauler is a line of enclosed aluminum cargo trailers, enclosed aluminum motorcycle trailers, enclosed aluminum snowmobile trailers and enclosed aluminum car haulers, ranging in sizes from 5'x8' to 8'x32' tandem axle. These aluminum trailers are designed to offer the same features that steel units have to offer, yet at more affordable prices. With rising fuel prices and increased consumer education with regard to quality and durability, E-Z Hauler Aluminum Trailers have been a tremendous success for the ALCOM product line.
ALCOM LLC is a NATM (National Association of Trailer Manufacturers) certified company. We manufacture to established industry standards and U.S. DOT's Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). We're proud to be an American-owned company focused on designing and building the highest quality aluminum trailers available.
ALCOM LLC is a NATM (National Association of Trailer Manufacturers) certified company. We manufacture to established industry standards and U.S. DOT's Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS). We're proud to be an American-owned company focused on designing and building the highest quality aluminum trailers available.